Is Structure Killing your Team and Company Growth?

Is Structure Killing your Team and Company Growth?

I spent the majority of my career working in and leading large global corporate teams.  Let’s just say, I’m far from a novice when it comes to corporate politics, policies, processes and procedures.  There were rules to follow, guidelines that needed to be adhered to,...
You need to OWN it to WIN it

You need to OWN it to WIN it

Brian Tracey said it best, “Move out of your comfort zone.  You can only grow if you are willing to feel awkward and uncomfortable when you try something new.” There is a huge difference between wanting a dream job and actually doing the work to manage your career and...
The “New” American Epidemic?

The “New” American Epidemic?

It’s not surprising (or is it?) that the news of Harvey Weinstein’s outing as the latest and greatest Hollywood predator has prompted legal and HR teams across the world to re-evaluate their policies and tolerance for sexual, and other harassment in the workplace. I...