Keynote Speaking

Why you should consider V. Vanessa Williams for your next company event as a keynote:

She speaks from the trenches.
Vanessa is a corporate executive who moved up the corporate ladder. She has real-world experience breaking through the proverbial glass ceiling, dealing with inclusion and diversity issues, and managing large global teams. During her career, she also experienced roadblocks that prevented her from moving forward. Through executive coaching, she discovered what was holding her back and continued to finish a highly successful career. She is now paying it forward and teaching what she has learned.

She’s genuine and to the point.
Vanessa’s speaking style is a breath of fresh air. She doesn’t rely on studies or textbooks, but instead draws from her personal experiences and those of her clients. Her ‘to the point’ and ‘matter of fact’ conversational tone is engaging and draws people in. Her audiences are not just passive listeners, but active participants, feeling as if they are having a one-on-one conversation with her.

She believes in Next Steps!

When an attendee leaves one of Vanessa’s events, they have actionable items to work on—Leading Edge Homework. She encourages audience participants to define issues and create a path for action to ensure the information they just learned isn’t lost, a win for companies looking to engage their team members, those going through a culture change, or management teams looking to have a greater impact.

She delivers what YOU need – it’s Custom.
Vanessa understands that every company, team, and individual is unique. That’s why she believes in tailoring her presentations to the specific needs and goals of her audience. She doesn’t deliver ‘black box speeches ‘, but instead constructs her presentations around what the company is looking to accomplish and what they want the outcome to be. This personalized approach makes every member of the audience feel valued and important.

“Vanessa’s no-nonsense approach to coaching has been refreshing and impactful. Her practical advice is readily applicable, and her deep intuition helps her tailor her guidance to each individual’s needs. She’s committed to helping her clients excel and is deeply invested in their success. Her accessibility and candidness make her coaching sessions highly valuable, providing actionable insights that can be implemented immediately.”

“Through our sessions, Vanessa helped me to understand the importance of flexibility and adaptability in social interactions, particularly in corporate settings. She encouraged me to be more mindful of my communication style and consider my words’ purpose and objective. This newfound awareness has empowered me to confidently express myself while remaining mindful of the impact of my words. As a woman in corporate America, I have faced unique challenges, including doubts about my voice and confidence.”

“Leveraging individual coaching sessions and comprehensive one-on-one interviews conducted across all levels of the organization, Vanessa meticulously gathered insights to craft her feedback. Her approach was marked by a unique blend of directness and empathy, fostering a sense of trust and empowerment in our interactions.”