
Building Your Blueprint for 2025: No More Excuses

Building Your Blueprint for 2025: No More Excuses

December should be your crossroads. See yourself at the fork in the proverbial road of your life and your career. The year is nearly over, and what lies ahead is entirely up to YOU. The question isn’t whether you’ll grow in 2025—it’s whether you’ll take charge of that...

Beyond the Buzzwords: The Reality of Building Real Expertise

Beyond the Buzzwords: The Reality of Building Real Expertise

In today’s world, everyone seems to be selling something—most of all, themselves. We’re flooded with titles like “guru”,  “expert”,  “thought leader”, and “visionary”.  But let’s be honest: how many of these self-proclaimed experts have actually put in the years of...

Want to Make a Difference? BE the Difference.

Want to Make a Difference? BE the Difference.

Let’s be honest, leading through a merger, acquisition, or a massive people transformation is a battlefield. You’re walking into a situation where trust is shattered, morale is in the basement, and everyone’s looking for the exit sign. Your team is clocking in but...

Cultivate Self-Reflection: A Path to Personal and Professional Growth

Cultivate Self-Reflection: A Path to Personal and Professional Growth

Great leaders are self-reflective.  They understand who they are and what they stand for and accept constructive criticism with open arms.  They are in a constant state of growth from within, which allows them to grow personally and professionally.  Self-reflection is...

How to Master the Art of Resilience to be a Better Leader

How to Master the Art of Resilience to be a Better Leader

Leadership.  There are countless novels, journal articles, TED Talks, podcasts and opinions on the topic – all with different points of view on what makes a great leader and how to become one.  During my years as a corporate leader and executive coach mentoring...

Value of Authenticity in the Workplace

Value of Authenticity in the Workplace

Take a moment and consider this: What does authenticity mean in your life? Many of us lean on authenticity to bring our true selves into everything we do. It’s a form of transparency that instills trust in those we meet throughout our lives. Authenticity is the...

How to Futureproof Your Company for the Impending Skills Gap

How to Futureproof Your Company for the Impending Skills Gap

The workplace of 2023 is navigating an unprecedented skills gap among employees. The Reskilling Revolution In 2020, the Organization of Economic Co-operation and Development projected 1.1 billion jobs would be transformed by technology within a decade. Coined the...

Sponsorship and Mentorship – The Big Blur

Sponsorship and Mentorship – The Big Blur

I was recently chatting with a colleague who needed to help an employee with some career growth roadblocks – I suggested she needed a sponsor versus simply a coach or a mentor.  I was met with a bit of a confused look and immediately realized that the term “career...

The Secret to Accomplishing the Impossible

The Secret to Accomplishing the Impossible

I will never be __________.  I can never do __________. Self-limiting beliefs, like those above,  are incredibly powerful.  They become shields that are put up around us and become catalysts for stagnation and excuses.  In layman’s terms, they simply mean you are...

What is your impact?

What is your impact?

This time of year, so many people hone in on what their “New Year’s Resolutions” will be - what will they commit do? Some may even create elaborate plans on how to make those resolutions stick.  Unfortunately, less than 1% of those resolutions will ever make it past...

Is Structure Killing your Team and Company Growth?

Is Structure Killing your Team and Company Growth?

I spent the majority of my career working in and leading large global corporate teams.  Let’s just say, I’m far from a novice when it comes to corporate politics, policies, processes and procedures.  There were rules to follow, guidelines that needed to be adhered to,...

The one productivity trick you are probably ignoring

The one productivity trick you are probably ignoring

There are countless blogs, articles, books, webinars, seminars, tweets, and LinkedIn posts teaching us how to squeeze one more minute out of our already jam-packed schedules.  Trust me, I’ve read more than a few. In the time it takes someone to read the “4-Hour Work...

The fine lines between boss, friend, perception, and reality.

The fine lines between boss, friend, perception, and reality.

“Would you prefer to be liked or respected?” I’m sure you’ve asked it of a prospective employee during an interview and I will almost bet you’ve been asked the question more than once in your illustrious career. Most people in interviews will answer “Respected”, or...

You need to OWN it to WIN it

You need to OWN it to WIN it

Brian Tracey said it best, “Move out of your comfort zone.  You can only grow if you are willing to feel awkward and uncomfortable when you try something new.” There is a huge difference between wanting a dream job and actually doing the work to manage your career and...

Owning your Career

Owning your Career

As a Career Coach, I often ask clients about their career path and how they ended up in their current role. Often their response is that they had no defined plan for their careers but rather just followed a path that opened for them at the time. The path was opened...

Authenticity – What’s YOUR story?

Authenticity – What’s YOUR story?

Today I want to talk about authenticity, as in personal authenticity.  I often get asked to help individuals build up their personal brands, or work with service teams on boosting the customer experience, or even working with sales teams to connect with the right...