In a corner office, but still stuck in high school?
Jenny can’t help but pick on the new girl and Linda is working on strategies to defuse the bully. Meanwhile, Chris can’t figure out how to explain to his authority figure what went wrong with his project and John is too indifferent to care. Scenes from the local high...
The Three Secrets of Effective Coaching
The brilliant CEO, the visionary entrepreneur, the artist who takes your breath away... The emphasis on individual genius looms large in our business and creative culture. “Who thought of that? Who created that? Who could possibly dream that up?” But when asked,...
Pearls and a Custom Suit – How it could be your downfall
People believe what they see and that perception of what they see IS the reality of what they believe to be true. Many executives I know including those I’ve worked for and those whom I’ve worked alongside spend countless hours trying to “play the perfect part” as a...
Fostering collaboration and innovation in today’s modern work environment by embracing diversity and inclusion.
Abstract Exploring the reasons and benefits of creating a diverse, inclusive and collaborative team. Investigating the impact a committed leadership team has on implementing cultural change in their organization and ensuring positive results. Download Fostering...
Starting at the End — The Importance of a Good Severance Package
Understanding the benefits available in a severance package is essential to protecting yourself and your family. Have the conversation now, so you don’t regret it later. Focus on the end as much as on the beginning. Think of this scenario: After weeks of preparation,...
Keep a Primer in Executive Presence
We Don’t Define Presence, but We Do Know How to Live It “We convince by our presence" — Walt Whitman Great leaders need to be powerful influencers — Making connections with people, encouraging everyone to move in the same direction, sharing a vision, and persuading...
How Vulnerability Can Help Your Leadership Team Thrive
“I think it’s very important to have a feedback loop, where you’re constantly thinking about what you’ve done and how you could do it better.” — Elon Musk Feedback. We’re always being asked to give it, ask for it, and act on it. It’s not just a shorthand for “Is...
R.A.I.S.E. your outlook– Powerful techniques to drive your leadership team forward
The best leadership teams aren’t born, they’re created, coached, nurtured and mentored. They allow for differences, bring everyone together, and agree upon a common goal. Powerful teams build on and support the initiatives, direction, and vision of the leadership....
Without integrity, leaders will fail
"A true leader has the confidence to stand alone, the courage to make tough decisions, and the compassion to listen to the needs of others.” ~ American General Douglas MacArthur The search for the right “leadership” recipe occupies volumes of books, white papers,...
Always Connect – The Power of the Genuine Leader
"To be persuasive we must be believable; to be believable we must be credible; to be credible we must be truthful." — Edward R. Murrow How often do you think about why you do what you do? You know what you do You make vital decisions, lead your business, and meet the...
Leadership: What Separates Those Who Walk on Water from Those Who Don’t.
A true leader has the confidence to stand alone, the courage to make tough decisions, and the compassion to listen to the needs of others. ~ American General Douglas MacArthur During our collective 60-year careers that have spanned from being corporate executives to...