As leaders, we often discuss the importance of courage and resilience in our organizations. But fostering a culture of courage goes beyond standard practices—it requires a deeper commitment to self-awareness, humility, and the willingness to disrupt the status quo. Below are five unconventional strategies to not only encourage courage within your team but also to transform the way you lead.

  1. Lead by Example: When Your Example Isn’t Good Enough

It’s easy to say “lead by example,” but what happens when you realize your example isn’t what your team needs? The courage to admit when your “walk” goes astray,  is a critical part of authentic leadership. The best leaders aren’t infallible; they’re adaptable. They seek feedback, even when it’s uncomfortable, and they course-correct when necessary.

Action Item: Ask your team for feedback on your leadership. Create a space where they can honestly discuss how your actions affect the team dynamic. Then, act on that feedback and openly share your growth process with your team. This vulnerability builds trust and encourages others to be honest about their own areas for growth.

  1. Create Space: Stop Over-Talking and Start Listening

One of the biggest traps for leaders is over-talking. It’s natural to want to guide discussions but dominating conversations can stifle your team’s ability to contribute. Courageous leadership means knowing when to step back and let others take the floor. It’s not just about hearing your team but truly listening to them.

Action Item: In your next meeting, set a rule that you’ll speak last. Allow your team to express their thoughts and ideas without interruption. Make it a habit to count to five after someone finishes speaking before responding. This small change can dramatically shift the dynamics and encourage others to speak up.

  1. Acknowledge Failures: Own Your Missteps and Invite Feedback

We often talk about celebrating failures as learning opportunities, but how often do we, as leaders, openly acknowledge our own missteps? The real power comes in not just owning your mistakes but inviting your team to critique your performance. This shows that you’re committed to personal growth and that you value their perspectives.

Action Item: After a project or meeting that didn’t go as planned, publicly acknowledge your role in the outcome. Then, ask your team, “How could I have handled that better?” This practice not only fosters a culture of transparency but also models the courage to learn and grow.

  1. Empower through Discomfort: Push Your Team to Thrive Under Pressure

Empowering your team isn’t just about delegation—it’s about pushing them out of their comfort zones in a way that’s both challenging and supportive. The goal isn’t to micromanage but to create scenarios where they must navigate ambiguity, make tough decisions, and grow from the experience.

Action Item: Assign a challenging project to a team member who hasn’t led before. Instead of offering detailed instructions, give them a broad goal and let them chart the course. Check in regularly but resist the urge to step in unless absolutely necessary. This helps them build resilience and confidence. You want them to know you are there to support, and you want them to KNOW you have confidence in their competence.

  1. Celebrate the Process, Not Just the Outcome

We’re conditioned to celebrate success, but what about the courage it takes just to get there? Recognizing the effort, learning, and growth that happens along the way is just as important. It shifts the focus from a fear of failure to a love of the journey.

Action Item: Start a “Process Appreciation” ritual in your team. After each project, take time to celebrate the steps taken, the decisions made, and the learning experiences, regardless of the outcome. This helps build a team culture that values courage and resilience over perfection.

Courageous leadership isn’t about having all the answers; it’s about creating an environment where people feel safe to grow, experiment, and sometimes fail. At Leading Edge Consulting, we’re committed to helping leaders like you foster that kind of environment—one where courage, resilience, and innovation thrive.

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