Here’s the uncomfortable truth: If you haven’t made meaningful progress by now, you’re already behind. It’s not what anyone wants to hear, but it’s the reality. January is nearly gone, and with it, valuable time you can’t get back. I’m not here to beat you up—but I am...
December should be your crossroads. See yourself at the fork in the proverbial road of your life and your career. The year is nearly over, and what lies ahead is entirely up to YOU. The question isn’t whether you’ll grow in 2025—it’s whether you’ll take charge of that...
I will never be __________. I can never do __________. Self-limiting beliefs, like those above, are incredibly powerful. They become shields that are put up around us and become catalysts for stagnation and excuses. In layman’s terms, they simply mean you are...
There are countless blogs, articles, books, webinars, seminars, tweets, and LinkedIn posts teaching us how to squeeze one more minute out of our already jam-packed schedules. Trust me, I’ve read more than a few. In the time it takes someone to read the “4-Hour Work...
People believe what they see and that perception of what they see IS the reality of what they believe to be true. Many executives I know including those I’ve worked for and those whom I’ve worked alongside spend countless hours trying to “play the perfect part” as a...