Sponsorship and Mentorship – The Big Blur

Sponsorship and Mentorship – The Big Blur

I was recently chatting with a colleague who needed to help an employee with some career growth roadblocks – I suggested she needed a sponsor versus simply a coach or a mentor.  I was met with a bit of a confused look and immediately realized that the term “career...
The Secret to Accomplishing the Impossible

The Secret to Accomplishing the Impossible

I will never be __________.  I can never do __________. Self-limiting beliefs, like those above,  are incredibly powerful.  They become shields that are put up around us and become catalysts for stagnation and excuses.  In layman’s terms, they simply mean you are...
What is your impact?

What is your impact?

This time of year, so many people hone in on what their “New Year’s Resolutions” will be – what will they commit do? Some may even create elaborate plans on how to make those resolutions stick.  Unfortunately, less than 1% of those resolutions will ever make it...