Great leaders are self-reflective.

 They understand who they are and what they stand for and accept constructive criticism with open arms.  They are in a constant state of growth from within, which allows them to grow personally and professionally.  Self-reflection is a practice that anyone can learn to adopt, and its power is limitless. Research shows the habit of reflection can separate extraordinary professionals from mediocre ones.

Your personal journey in your own Master Class of Life

Aging is simply a compilation of experiences that includes ups and downs, surviving the bad, and learning to thrive beyond the hard – embracing each day as a gift, a piece of our own master class in life. Each one of those experiences teach us something if we are open to accept it.  This is where the power of self-reflection lives. 

The more vulnerable we are with ourselves, the stronger we become.

Self-reflection is a deliberate and conscious effort to think about and evaluate one’s actions, thoughts, and feelings. It allows us to gain a deeper understanding of our strengths, weaknesses, motivations, and behaviors. For corporate executives, self-reflection is not merely a personal development tool but a strategic asset that can enhance leadership capabilities, decision-making processes, and overall effectiveness. Mastering a daily practice of looking within, builds a self-awareness that not only enhances your personal life but will make you far more resilient and confident in your career. You 100% know who you are and where you are going.

Understanding Strengths and Weaknesses

The practice begins with courageous self-honesty.   Recognizing your strengths allows you to leverage them in your professional life, enhancing your performance and leadership. Conversely, understanding your weaknesses is equally important, as it provides an opportunity to address and overcome them, but most importantly recognizing your short falls gives you an incredible opportunity for growth. 

During my hiatus, I reflected on my leadership style and realized that my empathy and ability to connect with others were significant strengths. These qualities enabled me to build strong relationships and foster a collaborative work environment. However, I also recognized that I needed to improve my delegation skills to empower others to do what they do best and avoid personal burnout. You don’t have to do it all, be it all, have it all in order to be happy and successful – you simply have to find YOUR internal super powers and joy!  And, the power to have empathy with yourself and others.

Motivations and Aspirations

Self-reflection also helps us understand our motivations and aspirations. It is essential to know what drives us and what we aim to achieve in our careers, and frankly – in life!  This clarity allows us to align our actions with our long-term goals, ensuring that we stay focused and motivated and being clear on what we want our legacy to be. Eye on the prize, focused on the end-game while also enjoying the journey.  How do you want to be remembered?

For me, the experience of caring for my husband during his extended illness (and, learning to care for myself to enable me to care for him) reinforced my motivation to help others thrive beyond mere survival. Witnessing Jim’s resilience and determination inspired me to advocate for others and for myself. I learned we can do hard things, we can stand up and be heard without the fear of judgment of others, we can and should LEAN in when we feel pushback.  The practice of self-reflection has become incredibly empowering, and has taught me how to stay focused even in the midst of chaos.

Informed Decision-Making

One of the most significant benefits of self-reflection is its impact on decision-making. By understanding our values, strengths, and weaknesses, we can make more informed and thoughtful decisions. When you walk into a boardroom or a meeting with absolute conviction and confidence – it shows.  You know YOU know what you are capable of – you’ve gained confidence in your competence.  You think BIGGER than the questions you may be asked or the problems you need to solve.  You have a widened point of view and in turn become unstoppable.  You’ve trained your mind how you want it to think and react!

Personal and Professional Growth

The bottom line is self-reflection fosters growth.  It encourages us to learn from our experiences, adapt to changes, and evolve as individuals and leaders. In the corporate world, where change is constant, the ability to reflect and adapt is a valuable skill. As noted above, it separates the extraordinary from the mediocre.

Throughout my life and career, I have embraced self-reflection as a tool for growth. It has allowed me to learn from my successes and failures, continuously improve my skills, and stay resilient in the face of challenges. This journey of self-discovery has not only made me a better leader but also a more compassionate and understanding individual. I’m able to put myself in the shoes of others – see what they are seeing and empower them to take one step forward into sometimes a vast unknown with confidence.

Practical Steps for Self-Reflection

Incorporating self-reflection into your routine does not require extensive time or effort. Here are a few practical steps that can help you cultivate this habit:

Set Aside Time & Mindfulness: Dedicate a few minutes each day or week for you. This could be during your morning routine, at the end of the day, or even during a quiet moment at work. Practicing mindfulness – focusing on how you talk to YOU, what words do you use to describe yourself? How do you perceive you?

Journaling: Writing down your thoughts, experiences, and feelings can help you process and reflect on them. It provides a tangible record of your journey and insights.

Ask Questions: Reflect on key questions such as: Who do I want to be? How do I want to show up for others? What are my strengths and weaknesses? What motivates me? What are my long-term goals? How can I improve?

Seek Feedback: Engage with trusted colleagues, mentors, or coaches who can provide valuable feedback and perspectives. At Leading Edge Consulting, we create a safe and empowering space for individuals and executives on their journey and give constructive feedback from a outside perspective.

In conclusion, self-reflection is a powerful tool that can drive personal and professional growth. For corporate executives, it offers a pathway to understanding strengths and weaknesses, making informed decisions, and achieving long-term success. My journey, marked by resilience and a renewed commitment to self-reflection, has reinforced the importance of this practice. As you navigate your own career, I encourage you to embrace self-reflection and discover the profound impact it can have on your life.